Quick Facts
Nicknames or Aliases: The Cleveland Strangler
Offender Status: died in prison after being admitted to an end of life care unit from a terminal illness not related to COVID-19
MO: Strangulation and Rape
Timespan of Crimes: 2007-2009
Date of Incarceration: July 22nd, 2011
Sentence: 11 counts of aggravated murder, more than 70 counts of rape, kidnapping, tampering with evidence, and abuse of a corpse.
Case Status: Closed
Number of Victims: 11+
Victims: Tonia Carmichael, Nancy Cobbs, Tishana Culver, Crystal Dozier, Telacia Forston, Amelda Hunter, Leshanda Long, Michelle Mason, Kim Yvette Smith, Diane Turner and Janice Webb.
Surviving Victims: Latundra Billups-Henderson, Vanessa Gay, Shawn Morris, Gladys Wade
Location of Crimes: Cleveland, Ohio
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Articles on Anthony Sowell
Podcasts on Anthony Sowell
Books on Anthony Sowell
Documentaries on Anthony Sowell
Unseen – Documentary on Anthony Sowell
Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer’s Episode on The Cleveland Strangler